Erick Deyden is a first-year student from the graduating class of 2021. Already he has his heart set on studying engineering, a passion that he developed early on in life while attending the Brophy College Preparatory School back in his hometown of Phoenix, AZ. "I applied to be a Macdonald Scholar so that I could engage my community, while also becoming more knowledgeable on ways to lead and serve alongside others. I am very grateful and privileged to have been selected as a Macdonald Scholar."
Miguel is a first year student, and part of the 2021 graduating class. Born in Fountain Valley, CA, Miguel spent most of his life living abroad as the son of Christian missionaries. Through his incredibly humble beginnings, Miguel became exposed to all different elements of life from a very early age, but most importantly, he understood the connection between himself and community. With his heart softened, he returned to the states during high school, where he brought back his legacy of love for people. As a Freshman at USD, he's continuing to explore which major he feels most connected to. All of this while also serving as a member of USD's baseball team, an elite Division 1A program. "I knew entering college that I wanted to get involved in the local community, so when I heard about the MacDonald Scholars program I was extremely excited to be a part of it. I hope that through the program I can make a great difference in the San Diego community and also help guide me into the person I will be after college."